unpacking god in the suburbs- Anti-Curse
When you carve a hole into my skull do you hate what you see like I do- Souvenir
If this is a prison I’m willing to burn my own chain- Stay Down
You could absolutely break my heart, that’s how I know that we’re in love - We’re in Love
Will you still love me if it turns out I’m insane? I know what you’ll say but it helps to hear you say it anyway - We’re in Love
College kids are getting so young aint they -You’re Gonna Go Far
And we’ll all be here forever - You’re Gonna Go Far
There were so many fewer questions when stars were just the holes to heaven - Holes to Heaven
I wanna live a vibrant life but I wanna die a boring death -Afraid of Heights
Not everybody gets the chance to live a life that isn’t dangerous -Afraid of Heights
God loves you but not enough to save you - Sun Bleached Flies
Jesus if you’re there why do I feel alone in this room - American Teenager
Hold me like water or Christ hold me like a knife - Who We Are
When my time comes around lay me gently in the cold dark earth, no grave could hold my body down ill crawl home to her - Work Song
Either way, we’re not alone. I’ll find a new place to be from. A haunted house with a picket fence to float around and ghost my friends - I Know The End
Marathon running; my ankles are sprained - Sprained Ankle
I don’t wanna die, that’s a lie; but I’m afraid to get sick, I don’t know what that is - Revolution 0
When everything feels like the movies yeah you bleed just to know you’re alive - Iris
I know my body is just dirty clothes; I’m tired of washing my hands God I wanna go home - Go Home
If I could leave I would’ve already left - Paul Revere
Something is rotten inside of me. I have to find it and cut it out - House Song
Are we all just crows to you now? Are we all just pulling you down? You didn’t put those bones in the ground - Orange Juice
The years have passed but you laugh exactly the same when I see you for the holidays - Holidays
I’m only looking just to live through you vicariously - People Watching
As long as you’re not tired yet of talking, it helps to make it hurt less - Hurt Less
It’s not that I think I'm good, I know that I’m evil. I guess I was trying to even it out - Even
The internet’s gone wild watching movie stars on trial while they’re overturning Roe v Wade - TV
As you take the toothbrush out of your mouth you say “this is what I want motherfucker make it happen for me” - HELP
It’s a taste test of what I hate less I dont wanna be here; start fresh with the new year - Next Semester
Make an oath, then make mistakes, start a streak you’re bound to break. When darkness rolls on you, push on through - Oldies Station
Anyway you say you’re too busy saving everybody else to save yourself and you don’t want no help oh well - Its Called: Freefall
I’ve changed every part of me until the puzzle pieces aren’t me at all. I look in the mirror now I’m just a jigsaw - Jigsaw
I had a dream I got everything I wanted not what you think and if I’m being honest it might’ve been a nightmare - Everything I Wanted
Screaming the name of a foreigner’s god, the purest expression of grief - Foreigners God
I’m terrified that I might never have met me - Growing Sideways
There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin - Take Me to Church
If the lord don’t forgive me I’d still have my baby and my babe would have me - Work Song
In the low lamp light I was free heaven and hell were words to me - Work Song
Idealism sits in prison, Chivalry fell on his sword - From Eden
If I could hold you for a minute I’d go through it again - Francesca
If I was born a blackthorn tree, Id wanna be felled by you, held by you, fuel the pyre of your enemies - NFWMB
“Girl, you walk like a bitch” when I was ten someone said that, and its just self defense until you’re building a weapon -Girl, so confusing feat Lorde
Yes it comforts me much more to lay in the foundations of decay. Get up coward -Foundations of Decay
Love was the law and religion was taught -Fable
You were always stronger than people suspected; underestimated and overprotected -Hot and Heavy
You say that it’s all the same, all glittering fool’s gold” -Fool’s Gold
Depollute me, pretty baby, suck the rot right out of my bloodstream -We’ll never have sex
When you find an old picture of us and you clear away the dust I hope you miss me sometime -Cocaine Jesus
And I can go anywhere I want, Anywhere I want just not home -my tears ricochet
I am my mother’s child, I’ll love you til my breathing stops -Writer in the Dark
I’m thinking too much again, how my life will end. I have to live tomorrow, I don’t wanna live tomorrow -4am
Last night I blacked out in my car and I woke up in my childhood bed wishing I was someone else and feeling sorry for myself when I remembered someone’s kid is dead - Funeral
And they tell him, take your time it won’t be long now, until you drag your feet to slow the circles down - Circle Game
I hope you don’t mind that I put down in the words how wonderful life is while you’re in the world -Your Song
I’m gon make it out, I aint never had a doubt inside me and if I ever told you that I did I’m fuckin lying -St. Chroma
Well, mother, what the war did to my legs and to my tongue. You should’ve raised a baby girl, I should have been a better son -Mama
It’s just me and the curve of the valley and there is meaning on earth, I am happy -View Between Villages
A dragon lives forever, but not so little boys -Puff, the Magic Dragon
Wondering why twenty something socialists in a sense lost their innocence -Twenty-something Socialist
Oh what a terrible honor it’s been to learn that my blessings are things you call sins. I’ll spend the rest of my life tearing down Jesus from Texas, you put in a crown -Jesus from Texas
Go ahead and hate your neighbor, go ahead and cheat a friend. Do it in the name of heaven, you’ll be justified in the end. There wont be any trumpets blowing come judgement day -One Tin Soldier
Oh take me back to the start -The Scientist